Sunday, September 29, 2013

Meaghan's View

Can global warming be prevented? Do people in the world realize that our Earth is collapsing and weather is changing based on the choices we make? Global warming is continuous and inevitable.
When global warming is brought up, it is talked about as a topic of debates on how to help end global warming. It is all talk for them, for the most part, they are not doing anything to stop it from happening. It is not that hard for us to realize that the climate is changing and our O-Zone layer is decreasing. We know exactly how to fix theses decreasing areas of our world, little changes are not hard to maintain but our society today only focuses on our self’s. 
People say that they are trying to help with the global warming by recycling, reusing material, and using different gas for their cars. But my view of global warming is not just recycling, it is the smoke from cigarettes, the amount of energy we are using, and the deforestation that nobody is caring about. 
If not everyone is trying there best to help the earth and end global warming, it won’t make a long lasting effect; there needs to be more then just a small group trying to help. Until everyone starts to do their part in helping our Earth, global warming will get worst or the process of helping or overcoming global warming will take a longer amount of time.

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