Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Teaching Plans

Social Reconstructionism 
  • A philosophy that emphasizes the need to address social questions and focused on making a change.
  • Educational reconstruction emphasizes on empowering students to question the system.
  • In the United States requires students to learn information based off of what the teachers tell them and do not encourage them to think about the real world.

How We Plan to Teach

As a group we intent to engage everyone with interesting facts along with the ones that may be hard to hear. Our presentation includes an interactive map that shows what the world would be like if the water level was increased by 216 feet. Our audience will be engaged and willing to learn about everything we throw at them. We hope to teach everyone about things they may not know about global warming. We intend to interest all types of learners with our presentation. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Concept Chart

For our concept map we continued to look for new information while still using knowledge we already knew. We tried to continue our research in order to broaden our views on global warming. This is a basic way to explain global warming in order to inform people that may not know much about our subject. This is a fast and easy way to way for everyone to learn about an issue. This is to inform everyone so they realize the things we need to change.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Federal Government Steps In

Recent Event: Global Warming
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

There are currently 18 federal agencies investing their time into global warming. There is over 22.2 billion tax dollars going into global warming research. While other activities see half of that amount. Yes, global warming is an important issue in today's world but is it necessary to spend that much of our money? Obama just recently admitted that our country has moved beyond whether global warming is a threat or not, instead we should be focusing on what we can do to actually fix the problems at hand. You would think that by spending all this money on research that our government would be able to create a healthier environment. That’s just it our society is built on money and it cant solve all of our problems can it? We as humans need to take a stand and create a world where it is healthy and sustainable. 


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Meg's Take action

To take action in global warming I found Ecosia to help save the Atlantic forests. Ecosia is a company that helps save the Atlantic forest, they have not only just helped the forests but they also have put in money towards the Plant a Billion Trees program too. To me saving the Atlantic forest or any forest is important because we get our oxygen from the trees converting the carbon dioxide into clean carbon and oxygen that we breath. Without forest not only will the clean air rate go rapidly down but also the tropical animals that live in that area will start to die off. When cutting down a forest I don't think that people are thinking about the creatures that live there, the forest is their home as well. I wanted to take action in this program because it seems like there is a decrease in the forests that we have left and the forests are what help keep the air as clean as it could get without all the pollution's.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fran Takes Action

To take action against global warming I signed up for a challenge. I wasn’t sure at first what to do until I found this website. I thought it was interesting how every thirty days they set you up with a new challenge. This months challenge is to "lessen your junk mail and catalogs". The average American uses over 700 pounds of paper, if we start to reserve paper usage then we could change a bunch of things such as how much water, and oil are used. We can also keep millions of gallons of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Just by eliminating some of the paper we use can help change these three things and probably many more. It’s a small step towards a better tomorrow. Ways to use less paper are stop unwanted catalog subscriptions, send a letter saying how you don’t want to receive junk mail, or even recycle your magazines by bringing them to a hospital or school for reading and art classes. There are many ways to help global warming and they are very simple. We need to start standing up for our planet or there wont be much left to try and salvage. People say that there is nothing they can do to help global warming but they are very wrong, they need to realize that there are plenty of things to do to save our world. If each month more and more people signed up for a challenge our world would slowly become better. We need to get people to realize the severity of the situation.

 If you would like to join the campaign click the link below. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fran's interview with Morgan

Q- What do you know about Global Warming?
A-I know that its not just warming its also cooling in some parts of the world. I know that its making a lot of species endangered. I know that a big factor to it is greenhouse gases emitted by humans, in short it our fault. I know that if we make changes to our lifestyles we can either lessen or stop completely the negative effects of Global Warming.

Q- Do you know major causes of Global Warming?
A-  Pollution by cars and factories are a big component of greenhouse gases. Other than that I'm not really sure of any other causes. Maybe that’s what the point of  this interview is that people aren't informed and they  need to be .

Q- What are your thoughts on recycling? Does it help? Do enough people do it?
A- I personally recycle. My family recycles everything that we can . We reuse plastic bags and we recycle paper goods. People should recycle more a lot of people do it but not enough to make a huge difference. It’s a drop in the ocean.

Q- Who does Global Warming effect the most?
A- Everyone, meaning it effects the people who are trying their hardest to stop it which is unfair. It affects animals which are on the verge of being extinct or endangered. It indirectly the generations to come.

Q- What  do you think school can do about Global Warming ?
A-  Teachers can inform their students about the dangers of it and schools can make an effort to become more eco-friendly like recycling, composting, using more efficient appliances, and serve food that are organically grown. Maybe schools can start small gardens and have the students help.

Q- How do you think we could make the message stick?
A- I think people are suckers for animals so you could show people pictures of animal from Global Warming. Then you could tell people how they personally are effected by Global Warming.

Q- What about the people who don’t think they cause any of it?
A- You could have them do an activity that shows them how much their daily life harms the environment. They could track their carbon footprint and see the harm they are causing.

Q- Why do some people think that Global Warming is a hoax?
A- They don’t see the effects of it they think its just a hot day or the Earth is just evolving but evolution doesn't happen that quickly. So obviously something is going wrong.

Q-  What can the government do to help Global Warming?
A-  They can make it mandatory to recycle not jut recommend it. Also they can make energy efficient appliances more affordable so everyone can buy them.  

Q- What can you do to stop Global Warming?
A- Like previously stated I can use energy efficient appliances. I can eat organic foods although they are expensive, maybe I can start my own garden.

I chose to interview Penelope because she seems to know something's about Global Warming. I also know that I chose her because I thought I would teach her a little about it and that’s just what I did.  

My Reflection

I am glad that I chose to interview Morgan. I thought that I could help teach people about Global Warming. Sometimes people think they know everything about it but the truth is they don’t. There is so much to know about it and I wan to help spread what I know. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Meaghan's Interview With Vy Tran

I interviewed my best friend Vy Tran on the subject of global warming and what she thinks of it. I had chosen her to be interviewed because she is also trying to go into education and trying to do as much as possible to make sure global warming will not rise.


Meaghan: What is your standing on global warming?
Vy: I think it's very real and people aren't educated enough about it so they're making it worse and worse.
Meaghan: Do you think global warming can be fixed?
Vy: Yes, slowly but surely.
Meaghan: How do you think we can fix global warming?
Vy: If we recycle more and use less gas by carpooling then there will be a chance that there will be some chance that global warming will end.
Meaghan: When do you think global warming will end?
Vy: I don't think it'll ever end because there will always be those people who don't care or don't believe in it.
Meaghan: What will happen if global warming isn't stopped or if people don't try to help it from increasing?
Vy: The water lines will keep rising and the ice bergs will continue to kill off the animals in the poles, that soon if nothing is happened in many centuries then the world will soon be underwater.

My Views:

After interviewing someone that is very close to me and understands that global warming is an issue, my views have not changed they have actually increased to the fact that someone has also said that there needs to be more done to inform students about this issue. I think that people have not realized how bad global warming really is only because more and more technology that does't help are being made. Soon we don't know where the technology will be and how bad it can harm out earth. I am glad that I know someone close to me really see how our century is not well informed on this problem.