Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fran Takes Action

To take action against global warming I signed up for a challenge. I wasn’t sure at first what to do until I found this website. I thought it was interesting how every thirty days they set you up with a new challenge. This months challenge is to "lessen your junk mail and catalogs". The average American uses over 700 pounds of paper, if we start to reserve paper usage then we could change a bunch of things such as how much water, and oil are used. We can also keep millions of gallons of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Just by eliminating some of the paper we use can help change these three things and probably many more. It’s a small step towards a better tomorrow. Ways to use less paper are stop unwanted catalog subscriptions, send a letter saying how you don’t want to receive junk mail, or even recycle your magazines by bringing them to a hospital or school for reading and art classes. There are many ways to help global warming and they are very simple. We need to start standing up for our planet or there wont be much left to try and salvage. People say that there is nothing they can do to help global warming but they are very wrong, they need to realize that there are plenty of things to do to save our world. If each month more and more people signed up for a challenge our world would slowly become better. We need to get people to realize the severity of the situation.

 If you would like to join the campaign click the link below. 

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